The UK Government
In the UK, we are lucky that our government gives £717,000,000 a year for the funding of child and adolescent mental health services. However this is £50,000,000 less than in 2010 under the previous government. Even after seven years as a NHS Consultant, I cannot get severely depressed teenagers into therapeutic work promptly because we just do not have enough professionals working in CAMHS.
Our government will need to ensure that we can do more for young people's health, education, employment and life prospects to contribute to this Great Britain.
Norman Lamb, MP has expressed his concern regarding the investment into mental health services for children and young people. Our children bring to us the future of this nation and we must love, nurture and prepare them to go on into a world we will not see.
I hope after 2015 we will get more funding to offer prompt and effective treatments for young people with depression delivered by a team of professionals who have the time to carefully think about the young person's needs.
The government has promised to put £50,000,000 into treatments for self-harm and eating disorders. We should use this money to fund nurses and doctors and psychologists and other professionals to deliver the basic work promptly and to focus on delivering outcomes that are relevant to young people. These conditions are often complex and do not provide good sound-bites for politicians but I am hopeful that our government will seek to invest more in young people.
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